
  • This site is the official site of Hamea project.
  • Hamea is coined word from “HArmoious MEdia Assort” and inspired from “Hāmeʻa” in Hawaiian meaning with gadgets.
  • This site introduces various information information organized according to purpose with from tons of sites/services.

Copyrights / Intellectual Property Rights 

  • Copyright © Hamea All Rights Reserved.
  • The copyright of this website and any and all texts, programs, photographs, images, music, sounds, and other works (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Contents”) posted on this website belongs to Hamea project, the original authors, or other right holders (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Copyright Owners”).
  • Except for printing or storing the Contents for personal use or any other use permitted under the Copyright Act, any act of copying, public transmission, distribution, modification, removal, or reprinting of the Contents on your website without prior permission of the Copyright Holder is prohibited under the Copyright Act. Please obtain our permission in advance. However, we may refuse to grant permission for use if the image, third party’s work, trademark, etc. is included, or if we deem it inappropriate.


  • Hamea project does not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, certainty, security or any other consideration of any content appearing in this website. The contents or URL of this website may be changed or deleted without any prior notice. Any information on this website is not necessarily the latest. Hamea project does not take responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from information appearing on this website.

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  • The following acts are strictly prohibited in relation to the use of this website.
    • The following acts against Hamea project, affiliated companies or affiliated person.
      • Acts of libel, defamation, and blackmail
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      • Acts that are offensive to public order or immoral

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  • This website is, in principle, link-free regardless of whether the links are from commercial websites or not. It is not necessary to contact us for linking to this Web site. However, Hamea project requests website users to avoid embedding any links of the following.
    • Links from any websites containing content that includes the abuse of any products and services provided by Hamea project, or may result in defamation of trust to Hamea project.
    • Links from website that contain illegal information.
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    • Links that may falsely lead website viewers to mistakenly form a view that a nonexistent relationship exists with Hamea project, or that Hamea project support or are aware of the any associated with an embedded link.
    • Links that may lead viewers to misunderstand that Hamea project has a relationship with, recognize, or support a particular organization.
  • Even in the event that none of the above listed content is applicable, Hamea project may reserves the right to request deletion or modification of any link setting. This website’s URL address may be changed or deleted without any prior notice.
  • Hamea project may request deletion or modification of a link even if none of the above is applicable to the link. URL of this website may be changed or deleted without any prior notice.

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  • Hamea project assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damage or inconvenience caused by links appearing on this website that are operated by a third party entity.
  • Hamea project assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any damage or inconvenience caused by the links to third party website appearing on this website.

Recommended Viewing Environment

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    • style sheets.
  • Recommended Web Browser
    • Edge (latest version)
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    • Google Chrome (latest version)
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    • 1024 x 768 pixels or more